Chroma Arboretum

Chroma Arboretum

The master list of all Chroma Arboretum Call of Duty servers. Please follow rules posted below.

Community Guidelines

Global Rules
1. Cheating and/or Exploiting of any kind is not allowed. This includes but not limited to Aimbot, ESP, recoil hacks, and any sort of manipulation of IW4MAdmin.
2. Trash talk and rude chat is allowed however threats/harrasment is not allowed.
3. Owner, Administrator, and Moderators have the final say. No exceptions.
4. Do not impersonate any other player (especially Admins). GUIDs are tracked.
5. Accurately balance teams to respect proper gameplay. Do not change teams to win the round.
6. Players from all countries are allowed however they must NOT use a VPN. Speak English if you require assistance.
7. There are no restrictions on gun-use (unless super-imposed by the server itself) however respect skill levels and do not take advantage of map exploits (i.e. Fuel rock glitch)
8. Ban appeals can be made on our forums. (temporarily you can message IAmChrisAMA)